Epsilon Notes is a text editor for advanced writing UTF-8 texts with Markdown-compatible CommonMark tags. Epsilon Notes can generate pdf and HTML code from your documents.
The main support community for Epsilon Notes is located at Google Groups forum here. Please, join this group if you have some proposals, questions or issues for reporting.
Getting Epsilon Notes
Epsilon Notes is available on Google Play
The developer supports only this distribution platform.
Images and image attributes - here you can read how you can add pictures to your documents and add attributes to them to place your pictures on the left, right or make an inline icon.
FA Icons (Font Awesome)
FA icons - are animatable icons that can be used right in your text instead of the standard emojis.
FA cheatsheet- here you can view all font awesome icons available in Epsilon Notes.
Note: Font Awesome became a paid set. Epsilon Notes uses the set from the past that used to be free.
Sortable tables - In Epsilon Notes you can sort tables using a <sortable> tag.
Table with checkers - If you add some Javascript, you can use tables to draw a checkerboard
Compatibility Processor
Compatibility Processor is a function in Epsilon Notes that helps you to change the text before showing it. It helps you to convert some other program's custom markdowns to the Commonmark used in Epsilon Notes.
Custom markdown links - This article describes how to convert custom [links](links.md) to [links](links.md) during the markdown file rendering.
Video links with the help of Compatibility Processor - This article describes how you could use the Compatibility Processor to use image links ![my video](video.mp4) for inclusion of videos into your documents.
Yaml is a short declaration at the beginning of your Commonmark text. This article contains description of most yamls used in Epsilon Notes.
Pinch to zoom - To make font bigger or smaller in the edit mode, you only need to pinch the screen to zoom in or out.